EMAS eKYC is AI-based system that helps businesses to verify and activate new users anytime, anywhere, with confidence. EMAS eKYC authenticates officially-valid identity documents issued by governments of Southeast Asian countries, to prevent identity frauds.
Certified for conformance to ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27002:2022 standards, and compliant with Bank Negara Malaysia's e-KYC Guidelines
The modular design of EMAS eKYC suite enables it to be successfully implemented across use cases of multiple industries, ranging from BFSI, to telecommunication and government.
EMAS eKYC does not mandatorily require mobile SDK implementation for its functionality to work. Thus, compatible with any web and mobile based platform.
Deep learning-based document authentication AI model trained for Southeast Asian IDs.
EMAS eKYC API can be delivered as SaaS, or a fully on-premise solution that meets the most stringent security and data residency requirements.