The Endovascular Simulator (EVSim) – a game-changer in pre-procedural planning and in-situ simulations. EVSim enables you to convert patient-specific DICOM data into realistic vessel models, facilitating accurate practice and testing directly at your location without the need for a dedicated simulation center. This advanced simulator revolutionizes complex procedural planning and handling of image-guided therapy infrastructure and protocols, significantly reducing medical errors and enhancing accuracy and confidence in procedures. Experience true-to-life hemodynamics and device deployment, ensuring better preparation and outcomes. Convenient and cost-effective, EVSim allows you to conduct realistic simulations on-site, saving time and resources. Elevate your clinical practice and research with EVSim, enhancing precision and reducing risks in endovascular procedures.
EVSim transforms DICOM data into realistic vessel models, providing precise, patient-specific simulations. This allows for accurate practice and testing tailored to individual patient anatomy.
Our simulator replicates true-to-life blood flow dynamics, ensuring that medical professionals can experience realistic hemodynamics during simulations, which enhances preparation and accuracy.
EVSim revolutionizes complex procedural planning by allowing detailed, patient-specific pre-surgical simulations, leading to better procedural strategies and improved patient outcomes.
With EVSim, in-situ simulations can be conducted without the need for a dedicated simulation center, making high-fidelity simulations more accessible and cost-effective.
By providing a realistic environment for procedural practice and device testing, EVSim significantly reduces the risk of medical errors, enhancing patient safety and confidence in procedures.
EVSim simplifies the handling of image-guided therapy infrastructure and protocols, integrating seamlessly into existing workflows and improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.