The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the IBES RCD TECHNOLOGY CMS SCADA DEVELOPMENT is to:- 1) Comply with Malaysian Electricity Regulations 1994 of 35 & 36 2) Overcome all the existing RCD problems as mentioned in our previous SLIDE 3) To supersede the existing ELCB/RCCB MARKET GLOBALLY with a sales potential of USD2.47 Billion Yearly. 4) To be expandable module for remotely accessible through Network communication backbone such as GSM/WIFI/Internet/Cloud which helps :- # To reduce DOWN TIME and personal site attending; # To achieve saving on daily/monthly CAPEX and OPEX; # To provide remote instant response and Alert with hassle free; # To eliminate territory restriction in service and maintenance and # To be centralized all operation through a CMS SCADA Network 60/60/24/7/365 basis TARGET AUDIENCE Telecommunication BTS, Data/Server Centre, traffic light juntions, Tol Station, airport, Local and Putrajaya Town Council, Bank and ATM, BioTechnology Centre, TNB Sub-stations, Billboard Advertisement ...... etc.
reduce daily expenditures and minimize man power
Instant remote access and control without site attending for rectifying fault.
Borderless in services
proper service record reporting for Management and budgetary
preventive maintenance to avoid vandalism; reduces down time and minimize revenue losses
Unique system couple with remote Centralized monitoring, control and management operation capabilities.