Provide Commanders situation awareness on Operational Condition of Assets on the Ground in forms of GIS, Dashboarding and exchanges of Situation/Intelligence Reports. It is also being integrated with real time sensors i.e AIS , Radar and GPS and Mobile Devices.
Map with intuitive and user friendly tools for user to easily navigate, manipulate and update its locations either automatically via sensors or manually update by operator.
Asset readiness is being updated by user on the ground and summarized at the high level in the form of dashboard for better analysis.
Users can accessed the system when there is no connection to the server as local cache is implemented and will synchronized back once it is online
Users have google drive like document sharing and collaboration tools within the system that acts as repository as shared document reference as well as collaborative online document editing in secured environment.
Users at different level from Strategic, Operational and Tactical level can access the intuitive system with ease and in realtime.