PULSYair is a multi parameter Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)monitoring device which is able to measure the ambient Temperature, Humidity, Particulate Matters (PM), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the air. The data is then available for viewing via a mobile app or web application as well as a Smart TV application.
Our device is able to measure the air Temperature, Humidity, amount of Particulate Matters (PM), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the air.
Easy to power up using USB-C cables
Our web and app solution is fast, agile and dependable with the best cloud computing technology.
Users are notified when unhealthy and hazardous air conditions are reached in your house or office.
Admins are able to notify and message people inside a certain area of impending air quality hazard.
Air Quality Data is stored in a secure, certified cloud storage and is available for viewing in the user dashboard.