Digital Solution Provider, a software development company specialist on IR4.0 and digitalisation solutions to all industries.
Government, Manufacturing, Logistics, Lab/Testing & Inspection oriented company(Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical, Construction, etc)
A user-friendly platform and "Zero" training system that enable your operators(even foreign labour workers) to streamline and utilise the digitised platform on your operational process.
No one size fits all solutions. With SnapCore technology, we materialise and make digitalization adoption easier.
We disrupt the software development industry whereby "modularize" software to customise solutions easily across the industry.
Every organisation will be able run the business as a software company.
To create, circulate, cultivate the digital economy to tech talents, digital adoption to industry, increase the productivity and efficiency output, and thus increase the GDP of Malaysia.
Materialize the digital platform and culture to the industry, and thus to be incorporate with IOT sensors, AI, and machine learning in future.