WISE Face Compare product incorporates advanced facial comparison algorithms to provide a secure and accurate authentication process, leveraging on deep learning algorithms for identity verification. WISE Face Compare is a Software as a Service (SaaS), where client passed in two face images for comparison through an Application Programming Interface (API). In addition to that, WISE Face Compare technology is also bundled with WISE OCR, WISE ID Fraud and WISE Liveness as another product known as WISE EKYC, and bundled with WISE Liveness as another product known as WISE Face Verify.
Government agencies, state agencies, financial institutions (insurance, banks), fintech, telco, corporates and SMEs.
We develop the face comparison algorithm in-house utilizing local talents, and own the source codes. By owning the source code, retraining the AI model is made possible to maintain customer satisfaction level.
Our face comparison technology was evaluated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Face Recognition Technical Evaluation (FRTE).
The face comparison model is being trained to emphasize the diversity of ASEAN faces, ensuring fairness and inclusiveness of the WISE Face Compare technology.