Hab pengkomersialan barangan dan perkhidmatan hasil R&D tempatan

MySTI adalah salah satu inisiatif kerajaan bagi meningkatkan kadar pengkomersialan barangan dan perkhidmatan hasil R&D tempatan untuk pasaran dalam dan luar negara. Barangan dan perkhidmatan yang telah menerima pensijilan dan logo MySTI akan disenaraikan dalam Inventori MySTI dan akan diberi keutamaan dalam perolehan kerajaan.

Serlahkan hasil R&D dan inovasi anda di pasaran

Daftar sekarang untuk dapatkan logo dan sijil MySTI. Pendaftaran adalah PERCUMA sepanjang tempoh projek rintis.

Inventori MySTI

Inventori MySTI menyenaraikan barangan dan perkhidmatan hasil R&D tempatan yang sedia untuk digunakan. Tingkatkan produktiviti anda melalui penyelesaian teknologi dan inovasi terkini.

Info Ringkas

MySTI akan meningkatkan daya cipta serta daya saing teknologi dan inovasi Malaysia

Barangan dan perkhidmatan yang dihasilkan melalui aktiviti R&D tempatan boleh dikenal pasti melalui penandaan logo MySTI. Barangan dan perkhidmatan yang memperolehi logo dan sijil MySTI akan diberikan keutamaan dalam perolehan Kerajaan.

Produk Terpilih Bulan Ini

24 hrs Composting Machine Model BCM-300

GEC’s 24-hour composting technology is an advanced system designed to convert organic waste into high-quality compost within a single day. Using a unique combination of heat, aeration, and microbial activity, this composting machine accelerates the decomposition process, producing nutrient-rich compost much faster than traditional methods. The machine operates with controlled temperature settings and automated mixing, creating the optimal environment for microbes to break down waste efficiently. GEC’s technology is versatile, handling a wide range of organic waste including food scraps, garden clippings, and certain biodegradable plastics that meet specific compostable standards. The advantages of GEC’s 24-hour composting technology are substantial. First, the rapid processing time significantly reduces the space and logistical demands associated with waste storage and disposal, making it ideal for urban areas and high-waste generating sectors like hospitality and food processing. Additionally, the compact design and automation minimize manual handling and require limited operational oversight, reducing labor costs. Environmentally, it contributes to waste diversion from landfills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting sustainable waste management practices. Furthermore, the output compost can be used to enrich soil in landscaping, agriculture, or home gardening, promoting a circular economy model. Overall, GEC’s technology provides an efficient, eco-friendly solution for waste management that aligns with both environmental goals and operational efficiency.

24 hrs Composting Technology Model BCM-200

GEC’s 24-hour composting technology is an advanced system designed to convert organic waste into high-quality compost within a single day. Using a unique combination of heat, aeration, and microbial activity, this composting machine accelerates the decomposition process, producing nutrient-rich compost much faster than traditional methods. The machine operates with controlled temperature settings and automated mixing, creating the optimal environment for microbes to break down waste efficiently. GEC’s technology is versatile, handling a wide range of organic waste including food scraps, garden clippings, and certain biodegradable plastics that meet specific compostable standards. The advantages of GEC’s 24-hour composting technology are substantial. First, the rapid processing time significantly reduces the space and logistical demands associated with waste storage and disposal, making it ideal for urban areas and high-waste generating sectors like hospitality and food processing. Additionally, the compact design and automation minimize manual handling and require limited operational oversight, reducing labor costs. Environmentally, it contributes to waste diversion from landfills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting sustainable waste management practices. Furthermore, the output compost can be used to enrich soil in landscaping, agriculture, or home gardening, promoting a circular economy model. Overall, GEC’s technology provides an efficient, eco-friendly solution for waste management that aligns with both environmental goals and operational efficiency.

24 hrs Composting Technology Model BCM-100

GEC’s 24-hour composting technology is an advanced system designed to convert organic waste into high-quality compost within a single day. Using a unique combination of heat, aeration, and microbial activity, this composting machine accelerates the decomposition process, producing nutrient-rich compost much faster than traditional methods. The machine operates with controlled temperature settings and automated mixing, creating the optimal environment for microbes to break down waste efficiently. GEC’s technology is versatile, handling a wide range of organic waste including food scraps, garden clippings, and certain biodegradable plastics that meet specific compostable standards. The advantages of GEC’s 24-hour composting technology are substantial. First, the rapid processing time significantly reduces the space and logistical demands associated with waste storage and disposal, making it ideal for urban areas and high-waste generating sectors like hospitality and food processing. Additionally, the compact design and automation minimize manual handling and require limited operational oversight, reducing labor costs. Environmentally, it contributes to waste diversion from landfills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting sustainable waste management practices. Furthermore, the output compost can be used to enrich soil in landscaping, agriculture, or home gardening, promoting a circular economy model. Overall, GEC’s technology provides an efficient, eco-friendly solution for waste management that aligns with both environmental goals and operational efficiency.

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